Regener8's Athlete Optimizer Program

Empowering athletes with all the skills they need to recover, refuel and optimize their body to be game day ready, year round. 

12 Weeks of Recovery & Performance Optimzing Practices


Learn all the aspects of self care related to recovering your body faster and keeping it in optimal condition, year round. 


Learn how to optimize your nutrition on a day to day basis as well as pre, during and post game refueling. 


Athelte Optimzer runs on any mobile device so it's  like having a coach with you 24/7 guiding you how to make your regenetion a dialy ritual, which means you learn to stay 'game day ready' year round. 

The Most Comprehensive Athlete Optimization Program Available

Daily Practices, Built In Accountabilty and On-Going Coaching

Daily Practices Delivered to Your Phone

The Athlete Optimizer Program is a system that runs off of any mobile device and delivers daily recovery practices for the athlete to maintain while also providing detailed daily lessons on how to optimize and personalize the recovery practice for each athlete. 

Expert Coaching

Unlike other programs that leave you to fend for yourself, the Athlete Optimizer Program also includes active coaching from Regener8 experts who monitor athlete progress and follow up to ensure they are getting the most out of the program. 

Everything You Need, In One Place

Athlete Optimzer is a practical curriculum designed by world class physical therapists, nutritionists and recovery experts guiding and coaching you for 12 weeks on day to day basis. 

Athlete Optimizer Program Includes:

  • 12 weeks of daily recovery and performance optimizing practices

  • 12 weeks of daily lessons designed to help athletes personalize the daily practices and/or provide additional resources for mastering the practices (images, videos, downloads etc.)

  • Performance and compliance tracking

  • Daily accountability with email reminders of what to do each day

  • Personal profile with all performance data

  • Access to a Regner8 coach on a private Facebook group

  • 1hr orientation session before program begins

  • 3x 1hr team check ins every month throughout the course of the program

  • Email check ins from Regener8 coaches that monitor your progress